A Dream of Supporting Women
Secilia, one of TCF’s scholarship students, grew up in Oldeani town with six siblings. While in her final year of secondary school, Secilia Kalisti witnessed a mother in her village go into labor and immediately wished she knew how to help.
Making a Difference
Meet five former Student Teachers who have since come back to serve the community that made their dreams possible
Paskalina Karoli
As we watched Paskalina Karoli approach the graduation stage at Oldeani Secondary School to accept yet another award for her achievements, we were reminded of the road she took to reach this proud moment.
Meet Our New Student Teachers
Today, more than 90 students have earned their degrees through the support of TCF and our Student Teacher Program.
Jacob Clement
Bright, ambitious, and oozing with talent, we couldn’t say no to Jacob and his dreams.
The difference between Juliana Andrea and the other success stories we have shared with you is that we didn’t have a direct hand in helping Juliana accomplish her dreams of graduating from college with a Nursing Assistants degree.
Saying Yes to Sinora
For most of Sinora’s life, all she heard was people telling her “no.” Like many other young girls living in the developing world, she grew up in a system that always seemed to be working against her.