We are very proud to announce that Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator, has recently reviewed TCF’s financial and governance practices, and awarded us 4 out of 4 stars!
Charity Navigator rates nonprofit organizations based on 17 financial, accountability, and transparency metrics, including fiscal management, governance, ethical practices, and organizational openness. Based on these metrics, TCF scored 96.86 out of a possible 100 points.
“TCF’s coveted 4-star rating puts it in a very select group of high-performing charities,” according to Michael Thatcher, President & CEO of Charity Navigator. “Out of the thousands of nonprofits Charity Navigator evaluates, only one out of four earns 4 stars — a rating that demands rigor, responsibility and commitment to openness. TCF’s supporters should feel much more confident that their hard-earned dollars are being used efficiently and responsibly when it acquires such a high rating.”
We work hard to use every penny of your giving efficiently and effectively, and we are thrilled to have these efforts recognized by an independent third party. We take your investments in our mission very seriously, and thanks to you, we will continue to deliver on our commitment to provide a home for children, transform communities, and build a brighter future for Tanzania. Asante!